Blog posts tagged with 'contraceptives'

How do you explain puberty to your daughter?

You can explain puberty to your daughter at home by giving her the necessary information she needs to be prepared before her period starts. It is easier to prepare your daughter for what isgoing to be happening to her body rather than have her be surprised when she finds blood down there. Take the time to explain the different pads, tampons, or contraceptives there are.

Can the cup be used along with contraceptives?

Can the cup be used along with contraceptives?


You should always remove Silky Cup before engaging in vaginal intercourse. However, some contraceptives such as Nuvaring, the pill, the patch, or an IUD should not be affected by Silky Cup. It is not commonly recommended to use any sort of contraceptive gel or form, however, as it’s unclear of what sort of effects they may have on Silky Cup’s material. Always consult your doctor before combining any product with Silky Cup.