Blog posts tagged with 'Silky menstrual cups'

I’m very physically active. Can I still use Silky Cup?

I’m very physically active. Can I still use Silky Cup?


Absolutely! Silky Cup (reusable menstrual cup) is great for all sports from swimming to tennis. It has no wings or strings that may be visible, so it’s especially suited for active women.

What Silky Cup (reusable menstrual cup) size should I use?

What Silky Cup (reusable menstrual cup) size should I use?


Silky Cup (reusable menstrual cup) is available in a wide variety of sizes for all girls and women. Sizing is determined by overall build, childbearing history, and pelvic floor tone.

Size  S  – Suitable for preteens or teenagers with a very slim frame.

Size  M – Suitable for women up to 30 years of age with an average build and who have not gone given birth vaginally.

Size  L – Suitable for women 30 and over or have a large, tall, or strong build or have given birth to a child either vaginally or by caesarean.

Overall, there is not a large difference between the three sizes. Large has a slightly wider diameter than medium, but other than that, there isn’t a considerable difference. Women who are more athletic usually require a smaller size cup.