Is Silky Cup (Reusable Menstrual Cup) hygienic?

Is Silky Cup (Reusable Menstrual Cup) hygienic?


Silky Cup (Reusable Menstrual Cup) is made with 100% Medical grade material that is latex-free. It is sanitary and easy to clean and is also great for those who are sensitive or allergic to latex. It is also great for women who have sensitive skin as it contains no toxins, BPAs, dyes, or bleach.

It only requires to be rinsed twice a day with water while in use and a little more thorough cleaning between cycles. Silky Cup is antibacterial and does not support the growth of bacteria like tampons or pads. It is not absorbent and therefore does not affect the acidic environment within the vagina which lowers the risk of TSS. Always wash your hands while handling your Silky Cup.

Silky Cup does not allow for an increased risk of urinary tract infections (make sure that the stem is not long enough to be near the urethra and always have clean hands while handling).