
Reusable Menstrual Silky Cup

Reusable Menstrual Silky Cup


  • On an average a woman uses 10,000 – 12,000 pads/tampons in her lifetime;
  • 12,000 pads means approximately 250 cubic feet of landfill;
  • 1 pad takes hundreds of years to decompose since they’re not easily bio degradable;
  • Silky Cup Reusable Menstrual Cup For Girls & Women's Light, Heavy or Irregular Periods
  • The manufacturing process of pads/tampons adds to pollution and also results in the depletion of natural resources like wood.
  • Silky Cup is reusable and recyclable hence there is no waste adding to environmental hazards.


    Silky Cup Reusable Menstrual Silky Cup For Girls & Women's Light, Heavy or Irregular Periods
What are some advantages of the silky cup over pads or tampons?

What are some advantages of the silky cup over pads or tampons?


The silky cup offers longer protection, up to 12 hours -Silky cup holds more than 3x what a pad or tampon can absorb -Easy to insert and remove -Eco friendly, ideal for those who care about the environment and how wasteful pads and tampons can be -Ideal for sporting activities, even swimming -Has a life expectancy of 10+ years if used correctly. Silky Cup is one of the best alternatives to tampons